
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Episode 45: Urška and Helena from Duo Furioso "Stay in touch"
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Episode 45 features three cellists in the room! Two of which, Urška Horvat and Helena Švigelj perform collectively as Duo Furioso. We chatted about having to embody a whole string quartet within the instrumentation of two cellos, POPPER (yep), the challenge of capturing live spontaneity when performing in front of a camera, as well as Urška and Helena’s advice to ensembles for staying motivated during the pandemic. Topics also include sushi, humidifiers (OMG) and having cellos by the same maker.
Mentioned in this episode:
Instagram: @duo_furioso
YouTube: Duo Furioso https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO4-EIyqvxydg-XKKAy9sOg

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Episode 44: Anna Tsybuleva "Save your power"
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Episode 44 features international piano superstar Anna Tsybuleva. We chatted about her attachment to nature and the cosmos, recent motherhood, as well as her preparation for Leeds International Piano competition which she won in 2015 with her performance of Brahms’ Piano Concerto number 2. This is a piece very close to Anna’s heart, as she managed to record it shortly before the pandemic in 2020. She also shares a very valuable message of saving your power when performing a big work.
Like what you hear? Buy the podcast a coffee: ko-fi.com/asitcomespod
Don’t forget to like and follow the pod on Facebook and Instagram @asitcomespod.
Photo credit: Emil Matveev
Mentioned in this episode:
Instagram: @anna_tsybuleva
First single from Anna’s upcoming album 28th May: smarturl.it/AnnaTsybulevaBrahms

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Episode 43: Oliver Davis "Make your own voice heard"
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Composer Oliver Davis joins me for Episode 43 to chat about finding his own compositional voice (via 1980s synthesisers), writing for ballet choreography, and the absolute mission of writing, recording and producing his new album Solace during a global pandemic; drawing inspiration from Greek mythology, traveling to the Isle of Bute, and curiously, a game of Scrabble. You’ll also hear about Ollie’s favourite live performance he ever went to!
Buy the podcast a coffee! ko-fi.com/asitcomespod
Like and follow the podcast on Instagram and Facebook: @asitcomespod.
Mentioned in this episode:
Solace: https://open.spotify.com/album/74VziC5rrMeen3wplY5f5q?si=OFdwRzwaSMG3eAvOJwRenQ
Photo credit: Frances Marshall

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Episode 42: Dwight Pile-Gray "Just put your toe in the water"
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
As a commentary on the times we currently live in, in preparation for some work this week, my nostrils have well and truly been penetrated.
Horn player, conductor, researcher and fellow podcaster Dwight Pile-Gray is my guest for Episode 42. He’s the creator of “The Black Maestro” podcast, and recently we chatted about the way the pandemic is changing up approaches to classical music, creating space in the industry and promoting excellence. This episode is also accompanied by a Spotify playlist of Dwight’s musical picks by composers Nathaniel Dett and Florence Price.
Like what you hear? Buy the podcast a coffee! ko-fi.com/asitcomespod.
Remember to rate, review and subscribe, and give the pod a like and a follow on Instagram and Facebook @asitcomespod.
Mentioned in this episode:
Dwight’s website: http://blackclassicalmusic.uk/
The Black Maestro Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0KfWJQ0EUv4RISeh3xUpXV?si=Y4-9ikcNRGK-XWep1vDs_g
Episode 42 playlist – music by Nathaniel Dett and Florence Price: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/642aIKaq9EomT41WX7NlKJ?si=vN1cMg3-QMaWXj54ABXcAg
Colorado Symphony’s short excerpt of Florence Price’s Symphony no.1, 3rd movement, with dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhXC3d46Po0

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Episode 41: Leah Broad "A completely new way of thinking about music"
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
I had a chat with music researcher Leah Broad recently, about her journey into academia, the thrill of finding new music, and her upcoming book shining a light on four composers: Ethel Smyth, Rebecca Clarke, Dorothy Howell and Doreen Carwithen. Listen and learn a little more about these composers, including which social media platform we reckon they’d be suited to best if they were around today.
Accompanying this episode is a special playlist including some pieces from these composers, plus some examples of the British Phantasy – something that I’ve been curious about for a while.
Support the podcast at ko-fi.com/asitcomespod, and remember to rate, review and subscribe!
Mentioned in this episode:
Episode 41 playlist: pieces by Smyth, Clarke, Howell, Carwithen, plus some Phantasies: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7etuKGvvpwbVK0FCowBMpO?si=RV2_3WbRT9qxSuZwZs4Viw
Laura Sneddon: “British Women Composers and Instrumental Chamber Music in the Early 20th Century”
BBC Radio 3’s Time Travellers podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p069vjyc/episodes/player

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
This episode is all about Southbank Sinfonia, the one-year orchestral fellowship where 33 musicians from around the world come together to embark on a journey of professional development and creative fulfilment. I’m joined by two members of the 2020/21 cohort, Canadian percussionist Alec Joly Pavelich and British viola player George White. We spoke about their unusual situation of being part of the fellowship during the pandemic, what they can’t wait for in 2021, as well as their recommendations for keeping on top of your mental, physical and social wellbeing during this time.
As a Southbank alumna, I share with you my (rather lengthy) tumultuous journey from Sydney to London that led me to taking up a place in the 2013 recruit.
Special thanks to Marcus Norman and Kate Walker for their assistance in this episode.
Support the podcast! Ko-fi.com/asitcomespod
All episodes and transcripts here: asitcomes.com
Remember to rate, review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Like and follow the pod on Facebook and Instagram: @asitcomespod
Mentioned in this episode:
Instagram: @southbanksinfonia
Twitter: @southbanksinf
Facebook: @SouthbankSinfonia
Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
“Wood Works” by the Danish String Quartet: https://open.spotify.com/album/2Wf5EwRWblXDs1aiAAvxal?si=Flc-mOpCSia5MnYGzCbOcg

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Episode 39: Peter Riley "Taking the risks"
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Stop! Tax time! Doing your tax return for 2019-20 is a retrospective into another world...
Episode 39 features composer, arranger and orchestrator Peter Riley. We met up in person in early-December (back when you could) for an al fresco park podcast, where we spoke about so many topics, including Peter's work arranging and orchestrating for Squarepusher, Pete Tong, Jules Buckley and the Heritage Orchestra, sticking to crazy deadlines, being a musician with a mortgage, and how making music is sometimes like gardening. We also spoke about the lovely distractions that help you get through when life is spent mostly in front of a computer screen.
Like what you hear? Support the podcast! Buy me a coffee/some treats for Assistant Purr-ducer Romeo: ko-fi.com/asitcomespod
Follow and like the podcast on Instagram and Facebook: @asitcomespod.
Mentioned in this episode:
Peter’s Instagram and Facebook: @peterrileymusic
Twitter: @musicpete
YouTube: @musicpete86
Squarepusher Ufabulum: https://open.spotify.com/album/7ajrfqR7FCY4KuzZsVAFSH?si=0C_RDo2eTUqjlx2zdabE5w
Excerpt with Southbank Sinfonia 2013: https://youtu.be/GMF-UOPMDFA
Episode 31 with Daniel Rainey: https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-xksnd-f0c20d

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Episode 38: Lucy Drever "Stay open"
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Welcome to the January slump, 2021 edition!
My guest for Episode 38 is Lucy Drever. She’s a workshop leader and presenter who heads up musicianship at the Benedetti Foundation. We chatted in December 2020 about how she got into community-based music making, creating a music making environment with a level playing field, challenging prior perceptions of music education as well as how to stay motivated musically during times of fluctuating restrictions. Find out also about a delightful cheesy snack that you can find if you’re ever in Glasgow.
Like what you hear? Remember to rate, review and subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
Follow the podcast on Instagram and Facebook @asitcomespod.
Special thanks to Rebecca Driver Media Relations for their help in this episode.
Mentioned in this episode:

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Episode 37: Joe Di Fiore "I just kept going with it"
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Joe Di Fiore kicks things off for 2021. He’s an American sax and wind player who also composes and arranges. In a fantastic American accent, he shares some helpful tips about setting your home studio for remote recording (seeing as this is the reality for a lot of musos at the moment). We also chatted about the positives of smaller family gatherings, switching between different wind instruments, the importance for composers to have performing experience and being patient.
Mentioned in this episode:
YouTube: JD Winds
Mario Kart 8 Big Blue and Mute City Mash up: https://youtu.be/yHe8n9760I8
The Mario Kart Lick: https://youtu.be/3rD-tdEFKlg

Friday Dec 25, 2020
Episode 36: Shimpski Christmas Extravaganza
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Bass player Mark Lipski joins me for this Christmassy, mince pie and mulled wine fuelled conversation. He also happens to be in my household bubble as he is my husband; collectively, we are known as “The Shimpskis”. Think of this episode as an audio Christmas card to you, for you to listen to if perhaps you’re spending Christmas alone or with fewer people than usual, or if you just want to hear voices from outside your own household bubble. We’re here to keep you company!
Amidst giggles aplenty, listen to us discuss the weirdness that is 2020, performing with the Phacelia Ensemble in Germany mid-pandemic, the challenges of Zoom lessons, the ideal mango, Daily Romeo, and the differences between Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.
Have a happy and safe holiday!
Mentioned in this episode: